Wednesday, September 2, 2009

neo-Reps learned that lying works

Republicans have apparently committed to what they think they learned during the Cheney administration, that lying works. How more succinctly can you characterize their position and tactice on Health Care Reform?


Bob Pomeroy said...

Do we want public policy to be "guided" by prevaricators, fear mongers, Elmer Gantrys and profiteers or not? There's no doubt Obama has brought civility, but it's being painted weakness and become a time for, dare I say it, warriors! He's proved his point, but sometimes leaders need to eat a little more red meat and a little less arugula!

Bob Pomeroy said...

So now we know that some of these have been found, or so we are told, and that some remain missing. Then we are told that they will be subjected to an extended "preparation" according to the procedure for archiving presidential memoirs.

What happened to "Trust, but Verify"? These e-mails were the subject of Congressional Inquiry and I believe, substantial court procedings. The issues raised by their having been 'lost', when, how and by whom they were lost and rediscovered, particularly considering the subject matter to which they pertain and how separation of powers works, all place them in an area of compelling public interest far above that of mere memoirs.

Giving them over blindly, en masse, for 'processing', is a crime, if only against history. Truth cannot come out of the process referred to in this article