Monday, August 31, 2009

I lost so much that was here.Bob Pomeroy February 10th, 2009 4:28 am

This stimulus bill is only tangentially about economics. If we consider the bilge from some quarters about FDR having failed to end the Depression, the picture becomes clear.We are emerging from a total breakdown of governmental credibility. Millions have lost hope, yet our greatest strength lies in those very people, the Salt of the Earth who are good and bad and ugly and diligent and slothful and overweight. All of them have been called upon to bail out the mighty bankers and captains of industry, who have failed.We need them, they need us, and we are all together on this earth.
The primary purpose of these programs is to restore our faith and trust in government and each other, so that hope may be restored. They need to be of titanic measures to show that the effort is sincere.
Those who piddle and quibble purporting to seek perfection and assured success are serving only to create doubt. I think their misguided effort is to preserve advantages they have gained and falsely claim as due blessings from the Almighty. It is wrong for a man to claim that which is above another. Perfection does not lie in a program. It arises from continual and flexible and humble effort guided by hope and better parts.
Our initial need is to rebuild a civilization shredded by greed, equivocation, selfish interest and tunnel vision focussed by "I got mine, now you go get yours".I'm afraid I'm over 1000 words.

You were mentioned to me by my PCP as a possible source for evaluating my chronic pain resulting from an untreated spinal injury occurring in 1981. I live in rural Arizona, and was determined to be 100% disabled from my employment as a public defender attorney in 1997. I have family in the Boston area, such that I have better support there than in Tucson, the nearest city to me. I am on medicare A & B, with a supplement via Arizona State Retirement System administered by PacificCare. I'd be more than willing to participate in studies. Much of it depends on what is available, how much testing, etc could be accomplished in a short stay, etc. I wish I knew more of what information to provide, but perhaps you can make a preliminary assessment and tell me what more you'd like. Frankly, I've about given up hope. No tests have ever been run on me, and until this current Dr, Patrick Coghlan, they all seemed satisfied keeping me full of morphine and progressively exotic SSRI's. He has taken me off morphine and found that my testosterone level is less than half the minimum std. I also have Type 2 diabetes. Thank you for your consideration, assessment and advice.

By the way BobPomeroy, in case you missed it, Obama was elected president by the American people, must have been because he is half white, right
( a reply to something I said earlier on a blog)

cd829Corp is Old Borg.
Neither the entity nor the word existed at the time the Founding Fathers wrote. The Supreme Court had to adopt a "fiction" in order to address the fact of an incorporation appearing before them, except in the sense of a simple contractual dispute, as an escaped slave was considered. Today's 'strict constructionalists' have to entangle their own gonads to bray their common chant. Their solution is simply to lend a blind eye to the fictional creation, accepting it in the myopic notion that precedent governs. Now, like some cousin banks, some corporations are just too big to fail. A task long overdue is to more rationally conceptualize 'corporation' in light of the over all 'sense' of the Constitution.I'd love to continue the rant, but its an Old Rant. It retraces, and in many instances, replaces Constitutional History. Somehow, that the theory of thier existence at all, that they serve the public interest, has to be enforced. That must be done under an umbrella of 'substantial public interest', rather than "any trivial, contrived or imaginary interest as is presently the rule.Under such a concept, of course, the actions by the president in the internal affairs of GM, BofA, AIG, etc., is perfectly legitimate aot what the neo-republicans are yelling.The End

the windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror --kudos to the former senator from one of the Dakotas -- probably West By God, Dakota

The UP officer, ms Campbell (for who I will affect an honoric formality because I just want to giver a big kiss) made the most wonderful and concise statement of gratitude and true concern for US, the folks, that it should be repeated and repeated and applauded and applauded. Her gratitude was for the "opportunity" to ... be in the right place and time to have done the good deed.She went for the good of US all, w/ multiple implicit messages about the good cops do (if even inspite of themselves), that both female and black cops do good work, and that cutting back what they bring to the table, or even not budgetting for them or financially mistreating all public servants (includes music, math and art teachers) we truly err.
for Larry King, but couldn't log in on 8/29

MJ to resurrect? AC360 showing purported video, first responders said they didn't recognize because looked like a shriveled old man. and on and on and on it rides. I've been telling people that this would render JFK a comic strip on 2 pages

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