Friday, August 21, 2009

Cowboys and Indians

Damn I wish I could figure out how this works, or even what it's address is. I can only pick it up from my favorites bar, and can't seem to use it to file blog comments on it. Facebook seems to work better, but just in terms of transferring/copying to it. There otta be an application.

Lately, health care has been a huge issue for months in DC, and for myself personally. It looks like nobody's getting any, and some people are going to be able to continue to squeeze the blood out of some other people, and be compensated for it. Under Medicare/Medicaid, I've got an insurance man, acting at the urging of other insurance people, standing between me and medical treatment. His name is "SecureHorizons", and the insurance people have him controlling my health care down to the bare business plan he represents. That's period.

He stands there with trick questions in his hand, if I can be clever and beguiling, I can get in. If I don't, I die and can pursue my claims, contentions, and needs afterwards, over there. Later.

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